About Us

Enabling in-vitro electron microscopy

At VitroTEM, our goal is to improve the fundamental understanding of life by unlocking the power of electron microscopy to the analysis of biological materials and processes in liquid water, the native environment of biology. We empower life science researchers with easy to use tools and systems for the fabrication and use of Graphene Liquid Cells that enable dynamic analysis of biological material and processes at unprecedented resolution in standard electron microscopy systems.


VitroTEM was founded in 2019 as a spin-off of the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. The technology for the fabrication of GLC was developed by Pauline van Deursen as part of her PhD research project at the Laboratory for 2D materials, Graphene chemistry and Bionanotechnology of Dr. Gregory Schneider. The company has received seed funding by a consortium of investors lead by Nascent Ventures and received public funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and Innovatie Fonds Noord-Holland, a regional development fund. The company is located at Sciencepark Amsterdam with a lab in Delft at Biotech Campus.